Photographer's companion Pro APK

531+ votes, 4.56/5

Helper application for photographers calculating adjustments to make.... [readmore]

⇣ Download APK (Varies with device)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version Varies with device
Size Varies with device
Category Photography
Developer Stef Software
Downloads ↓ 17.1K
⇣ Download on Google play (Varies with device)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type $330.00
Version Varies with device
Size Varies with device
Requirement Varies with device
Type app
Category Photography
Package name:
Slogan: Helper application for photographers calculating adjustments to make.

Screenshots (8 images)

Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 1 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 2 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 3 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 4 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 5 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 6 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 7 Photographer's companion Pro screenshot 8

About Photographer's companion Pro APK

Photographer's companion Pro poster
Photographer's companion Pro APK version Varies with device poster

Latest update [menu]

- Light meter: Infer color temperature from the camera
- Photographic composition: Added external viewfinder simulation
- Planner: Keep field of view, depth of field, drone and panorama data in backup
- Planner: Long click on the pin to drag it
- Planner: Double click on the pin position definition icons to refocus on them
- Various small changes
- Bugfixes

Description [menu]


This application will help you to abandon the automatic mode of your cameras that doesn't do everything and control everything. For more experienced photographers, it can simplify the settings by doing the calculations for you (/!\ Camera adjustment must be done manually). It includes more than 40 tools and will also allow you to plan your photo outings from home by locating the places and positions of the Sun, the Moon or the Milky Way.

In any case, it is not a magic application to make beautiful pictures every time, but it will allow you to find a basic setting to refine to get the best picture you think.

It is aimed at professional or amateur photographers (basic knowledge is required) and offers the tools to:
- Calculate the alternative/equivalent exposure (manages the ND filter and long exposures)
- Calculate the depth of field, hyperfocal and simulation of Bokeh
- Calculate the field of view
- Calculate the shutter speed to freeze the motion of a subject
- Capture/Photograph sunrise/sunset, the golden hour and the blue hour
- Get the position of the sun, time of sunrise/sunset, golden hours, blue hours and monthly calendar
- Capture/Photograph the moon based on the phase of the day
- Capture/Photograph moonlit landscapes
- Capture/Photograph lunar eclipse
- Get the position of the moon, the hour of moonrise/moonset and the monthly calendar
- Capture/Photograph the stars, the milky way without or with star trails (Simulator)
- Capture/Photograph the northern lights
- Capture/Photograph the lightning and the fireworks
- Calculate the best setting for an EV (exposure value) given
- Calculate distance or aperture with a flash
- Calculate the optimum settings according to the lighting of the place (Light Meter), the reflectance (albedo) of the subject and measure light color temperature
- Calculate for the macro photo the possible magnification with a close-up lens or an extension tube
- Calculate the print size
- Time lapse
- Planner for landscape photos, from a drone and panorama
- Black and white film developing
- Calculate the reciprocity failure
- Bracketing
- Tilt lens
- Capture/Photograph the planets
- Panorama
- Get/Set the characteristics of a camera (sensor size, crop factor, sensor resolution, ISO range, shutter speed range, circle of confusion) and set your favorites
- Tools
. Augmented reality for the Sun, the Moon and the Milky Way
. Countdown
. Compass
. Bubble level
. Torch
. Notepad
. Photographic composition (rule of thirds, diagonal, triangle, golden ratio, golden spiral, focal lengths comparison, external viewfinder)
. Compose your photos with the colors (chromatic circle)
- Film sensitivity table (ISO, ASA, DIN, GOST)
- Night mode
- Data Import/Export

Do not hesitate to contact me, if you have ideas for changes, improvements, any bugs or for translations ([email protected]).

16 languages available: EN, AR, CS, DE, ES, FR, IT, NL, PL, PT, RU, SL, TR, VI, ZH, ZH-TW

How to install Photographer's companion Pro APK for Android [menu]

Download Photographer's companion Pro APK file from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Photographer's companion Pro APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Photographer's companion Pro APK file from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)

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