Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK

150+ votes, 3.87/5

Quickly set up your Medicine Tracker and Scheduler for the day, with reminders.... [readmore]

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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 11.7.206
Size 20.55 MB
Category Health & Fitness
Developer Web Coast Apps - Apps For Life
Downloads ↓ 41.7K
⇣ Download APK (20.55 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 11.7.206
Size 20.55 MB (21546828)
Filename com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk
Requirement 6.0 and up
Type app
Category Health & Fitness
Package name: com.medicinest
Slogan: Quickly set up your Medicine Tracker and Scheduler for the day, with reminders.

APK Permissions

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.SCHEDULE_EXACT_ALARM
‣ android.permission.USE_EXACT_ALARM
‣ android.permission.READ_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.WRITE_CALENDAR
‣ android.permission.READ_CALENDAR
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ android.permission.CHANGE_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.GET_ACCOUNTS
‣ android.permission.FOREGROUND_SERVICE

APK used Features

‣ android.hardware.wifi
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen

Screenshots (8 images)

About Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK

Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK version 11.7.206 poster

Latest update [menu]


Write to us through the App Feedback form with any comments or problems.

Maintenance Release.

We update this App regularly so we can make it better for you.
Update to the latest version for all the available Medicine Scheduler and Tracker (MST) features, improvements for speed, reliability, and OS compatibility.

Thanks for using MST.

Description [menu]

Medicine Scheduler/Tracker and Pill Reminder, called MST for short, helps you to easily track your pills and the time they should be taken. It helps track what has, or has NOT been taken.

As a pill reminder, MST, (Medicine Scheduler/Tracker and Pill Reminder), handles 3 major functions.
First. It notifies the you the user when pills and other medicines should be taken, (Alerts can be optionally voice announced)
Second. It records vitals, such as blood pressure, glucose levels, weight, pain levels, and more.
Third, you have your medical records on your phone in case of emergency, such as contacts, allergies, immunizations, and a list of your doctors.

A good practice is to mark the medicine taken immediately after it has been taken. When you need to provide it to others, eg your primary physician, you will have a detailed historical record, including any changes, eg dosage amount. Also, if you can’t recall what you have taken in the past, you have a record you can reference. As you get older, sometimes it gets harder to remember what you have taken, even just hours earlier.

The app is easy to use, and is similar to other successful apps developed by “Web Coast Apps”, the creator. A calendar displays your history all in one place along with your schedule.

It is easy to forget; did I take my medicine? or I didn’t? With MST (Medicine Scheduler/Tracker and Pill Reminder), you can quickly record what you took and when. MST will remind you when it is time to take a Pill that you have scheduled for the day. System Notifications alerts you each time a medicine has been scheduled.

With MST you can always write to our CUSTOMER support group through the MST App for any questions or comments.

Medicine Scheduler/Tracker and Pill Reminder, has many important features, such as local backup, and a calendar to show what was taken and what is scheduled to be taken.

There is no restriction on the quantity of pills that can be tracked. You can choose from several methods to set up schedules for taking multiple doses for a Medication. For example: 1. every so many hours, 2. number of times between start and end times, or 3. at one of 4 times of the day, eg breakfast, lunch, dinner or bedtime. Setting up your Pill Reminder is easy and fast. It can even manage difficult Meds, like Warfarin, where the dosage amount can vary depending on the day of the week.

A summary page shows your actual time verses your schedule times, for the current day and previous day and your schedule for the next day. You can even see what Medications you have taken and the quantities, for the different time intervals, eg current week, current month, current year, etc.

The best feature of Medicine Scheduler/Tracker and Pill Reminder, MST is its calendar. The calendar shows both past, current and future medicine schedules. The calendar is integrated with a log record. The log record will show each and every Medicine you have taken by the date. You can sequence back to see records from previous months.

In SETUP, you can turn off or on reminder notifications, change Header colors, or setup other users to track. The Medicine Tracker can be used to track meds for you pets, children or other family members.

Medicine Tracker, can be setup for multiple user or to track multiple categories, eg Prescriptions, non Prescriptions, Vitamins, or supplements, pills, etc.

How to install Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK for Android [menu]

Download Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK file (com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk) from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk)
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK file(com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk) from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/(com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk)), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file com.medicinest_516_21546828.apk on Emulator screen

Medicine Scheduler and Tracker, MST APK Pros & Cons [menu]

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 32 bit device (most Emulator using 32bit arch CPU)
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

Everything is good.

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