Puzzles: Trucks APK

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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 2.2.3
Size 27.58 MB
Category Puzzle
Developer Torima Kids Puzzles
Downloads ↓ 0
⇣ Download APK (27.58 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 2.2.3
Size 27.58 MB (28923015)
Filename air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk
Requirement 4.0 and up
Type app
Category Puzzle
Package name: air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks

APK Permissions

‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.INTERNET

APK used Features

‣ android.hardware.wifi
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen

Screenshots (7 images)

About Puzzles: Trucks APK

Puzzles: Trucks APK version 2.2.3 poster

Latest update [menu]

v 2.2.3:
- 3 new levels added
- Stability improved

v 2.2.1:
- 3 new levels added
- Bugs fixed

v 2.2.0:
- 4 new levels added
- Bugs fixed

v 2.1.1:
- Ads reduced

v 2.1.0:
- Stability improved
- Ads issues fixed
- 96x96 icon added

v 1.3.0:
- Security improved

v 1.2.2:
- Bugs fixed

v 1.2.1:
- 5 new levels added
- Bugs fixed

v 1.2.0:
- 10 new levels added
- Bugs fixed
- Ads reduced

v 1.1.0:
- Sounds added
- Bugs fixed

Description [menu]

Puzzles: Trucks
We glad to present you our new Puzzle game - Puzzles: Trucks!

With our new game Puzzles: Trucks you can:
- Choose one of three game modes.
- Collect 21 beautiful trucks Puzzles.
- Play any trucks Puzzles you want from the start.
- Play on tablet and smartphone.
Please rate and comment our app to help us make it better.

Some facts about trucks:
- The standard height for a truck is 136, and wheelbases range from 245 to 265.
- The length of time needed for a truck to stop is 40% greater than cars; factors contributing to this include load weight and road conditions.
- The average turning radius for a long haul truck is 55ft.
- When you hear about a semi truck, the word semi emerged primarily due to the actual trailers these trucks support. As these trailers have no front wheels, they are completely incapable of movement unless connected to the tractor section of a truck. The term semi for the trucks was then adapted from there.
- In 2011 Isuzu produced the largest number of trucks to ever be manufactured in one year - 447,359 for the entire year.
- Large trucks are typically between 70 and 80 feet long.
- Jackknife accidents and rollover collisions are amongst the most dangerous of truck accidents.
- Every word has its origins, and the word truck was used as early as 1611. Back then, truck referred to heavy duty wheels that were used on the canon carriages of a ship. And, of course, as we know them today, trucks (whether theyre semis, road freight or road trains) serve a primary purpose of transporting heavy freight loads.
- Often built with logistics and freight transport in mind, trucks help move valuable goods and products across large expanses of land. In a country like Australia, this is absolutely important. But beyond ensuring Australia can keep operating, trucks also have an intriguing history behind them. In todays article, were going to look at 5 interesting facts regarding trucks you may have not known about.
- The most common amount of gears in a truck is 10 forward and 2 reverse.

A jigsaw puzzle is a tiling puzzle that requires the assembly of often oddly shaped interlocking and tessellating pieces. Each piece usually has a small part of a picture on it; when complete, a jigsaw puzzle produces a complete picture. In some cases more advanced types have appeared on the market, such as spherical jigsaws and puzzles showing optical illusions.
Jigsaw puzzles were originally created by painting a picture on a flat, rectangular piece of wood, and then cutting that picture into small pieces with a jigsaw, hence the name. John Spilsbury, a London cartographer and engraver, is credited with commercializing jigsaw puzzles around 1760. Jigsaw puzzles have since come to be made primarily of cardboard.
Typical images found on jigsaw puzzles that also include scenes from nature, buildings, and repetitive designs. Castles and mountains are two traditional subjects. However, any kind of picture can be used to make a jigsaw puzzle; some companies offer to turn personal photographs into puzzles. Completed puzzles can also be attached to a backing with adhesive to be used as artwork.

Disclaimer: Any Trucks images are under copyright of their legal owners. No copyright infringement is intended, any request to remove any image will be honored.

Sounds in this app download from: http://www.freesfx.co.uk.

How to install Puzzles: Trucks APK for Android [menu]

Download Puzzles: Trucks APK file (air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk) from SameAPK.com, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk)
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Puzzles: Trucks APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Puzzles: Trucks APK file(air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk) from SameAPK.com to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/(air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk)), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file air.com.torima.game.puzzles.trucks_2002003_28923015.apk on Emulator screen

Puzzles: Trucks APK Pros & Cons [menu]

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 32 bit device (most Emulator using 32bit arch CPU)
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

Everything is good.

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