Star Traders RPG Elite APK

15689+ votes, 4.68/5

Trade, battle, pirate & bounty for galactic riches in an epic space sci-fi RPG... [readmore]

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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 6.2.3
Size 25M
Category Role Playing
Developer Trese Brothers
Downloads ↓ 117.3K
⇣ Download on Google play (25M)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type $2.99
Version 6.2.3
Size 25M
Requirement 1.6 and up
Type app
Category Role Playing
Package name:
Slogan: Trade, battle, pirate & bounty for galactic riches in an epic space sci-fi RPG

Screenshots (16 images)

About Star Traders RPG Elite APK

Star Traders RPG Elite APK version 6.2.3 poster

Latest update [menu]

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v6.2.3 - 2/5/2019
- 'Star Traders: Frontiers' available on Android!
- New Ship: Myrmidon Cruiser
- New Ship: Fallen Carrier
- Rebalanced Defeat: Prison with more Turns, Rep recovery mechanic
- Fixed Lion Freighter Cargo Hold Size
- Rebalanced Turns consumed by Patrol Ops
- Improved Rumor rules for enemy cargo

Description [menu]

Play the free RPG version "Star Traders RPG" before you purchase Elite and enjoy hours of turn-based strategy in the Quadrant for free! The Trese Brothers never run ads in our games -- enjoy an ad free, permission free experience!

Command your officers and crew from the bridge of your star ship as you travel, trade, and battle across the immense Star Traders Quadrant. Employ a wide variety of strategies as an Assassin, Bounty Hunter, Trader, Pirate or Smuggler. Can you manage your resources, crew and officers well enough to turn a profit in the complex economy that’s sprawling across the on-going interstellar conflict?

Upgrade and experience the Elite edition! You can copy all your captains to the paid edition! Elite includes more than 200 new planets, more than 2,000 new sectors in the massive galaxy, over 400 new ships, twice as many rumors and officers, and more unique art.

This epic space pirate RPG offers a deep and challenging world and economy to Star Trading captains. You must navigate the waters of Quadrant politics and choose sides among the competing Factions, or take a risk and stay independent. Enjoy endless replay value in this deep space civ and trading simulation which allows you to take any path you want as a captain. Act as a pirate against the merchants using the great shipping lanes, join the Solar War as a military captain, or hunt targets across the Quadrant as a fearsome bounty hunter!

Star Traders is a turn-based strategy role playing game (RPG) inspired by games such as Space Trader, Master of Orion, Elite and many other classic titles. If you enjoy retro games, adventure and tactics games, Action RPG or Sci-fi RPG with complex depth like Master of Orion, you may enjoy the Star Traders space trading simulation.

Our development team is actively continuing development and updates of this indie RPG based on your feedback and is regularly updated with new content, features, and fixes. Please email us with suggestions or bugs!

As a Star Trading captain in this strategy RPG you will:
- Explore more than 300 planets
- Trade in and manipulate the complex and deep economy in our economic simulator
- Buy, sell, and battle over 600 unique starcraft
- Customize and design your space craft with more than 60 upgrades
- Fully customize your captain (picking from 6 classes), officers and space ships
- Read over the comments to see Star Traders is rated as one of the best RPGs by many players

Experience the Elite upgrade: the epic new content includes 2,000 new sectors, 200 additional planets, and hundreds of additional ships, more rumors, art board, and officers. And you can copy any captain from Star Traders (free) to Elite!

Your command of the ship is under constant threat, both internal and external. Can you manage your resources, crew, officers well to enough to turn a profit?




How to install Star Traders RPG Elite APK for Android [menu]

Download Star Traders RPG Elite APK file from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Star Traders RPG Elite APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Star Traders RPG Elite APK file from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)

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