Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK

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Enjoy shape shifting transform race car factory game & 3d stick man shape shift... [readmore]

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Version 0.5
Size unknown
Category Strategy
Developer PlayMax Games
Downloads ↓ 34.8K
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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 0.5
Size unknown
Requirement 5.0
Type app
Category Strategy
Package name:
Slogan: Enjoy shape shifting transform race car factory game & 3d stick man shape shift

Screenshots (30 images)

About Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK

Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK version 0.5 poster

Latest update [menu]

Version 0.5 updated.

Description [menu]

Guide your character through diverse elements such as shape shifting car, boat or glider and exploring the land, air, and sea. To become a champion a car racing expert and become victorious, you must adapt according to your surroundings simultaneously. You have to Customize your character to align according to the environment,
outsmarting and surpassing all opponents in their respective domains.

Experience the excitement of Car Shape Changer Shifting Games, a captivating shape car transform race that effortlessly combines easy gameplay with traffic car driving and car racing transform thrilling adventure. Shape car runner Immerse yourself in the open world car driving of shape-shifting 3D and car transformation, where each leap and stickman transformation brings a unique ramp car game blend of car racing master 3D exhilaration. Get ready to Car factory game embark on an exhilarating journey through various character shapes, transforming your character in this dynamic shape change game. Runner rush game with car driving 3D Simulator in mega ramp car game.

Car Shifting Game delivers a distinctive car transform experience, merging the adrenaline of a real shape shifter game with the strategic depth of shape-shifting game challenges. This shapeshifting game transcends mere racing, introducing mesmerizing car shifting effects that elevate it to the ultimate shapeshifter game and shape-changing game combo.

Prepare for the crazy Shape Shifting Games! This fast-paced endless shapeshifter game will put your reflexes and shape-shifting skills to the test. As the main character stickman, effortlessly shift between different shapes to overcome obstacles and conquer challenges along the ever-evolving tracks in shape shifter. Can you navigate the hurdles and emerge victorious? Dive into the open world of shape-shifting transformation car games and find out!

Shape escape Changer unfolds as an action-packed shape-shift runner, assessing your quick decision-making skills. For enthusiasts of shape transform races, Shape Evolution stands as the quintessential game. Brace yourself for hours of world shifting games, where you morph your character into different vehicles. Swiftly switch between a car, helicopter, or boat as you navigate diverse tracks and environments. swiftly in this shape-shifting car game to overcome hurdles and outpace your competitors. Can you master the art of change shape game?

In the Shapeshift transform race, your quick reflexes and skills guide you through diverse and challenging tracks, each laden with obstacles. Different vehicles transform introduce advantages and challenges in the shape run. Master the art of switching in this shape-shifting race, collecting power-ups, boosting speed, and surpassing rivals as you race through each track in the shift shape game. Overall, it's a thrilling and dynamic Shapeshifting race that promises to banish boredom!

Key Features of Real Shape Changer Shifting Games:

Enjoyable gameplay suitable for players of all ages.
Each shape grants special skills to overcome challenges.
Engage with just one hand in exciting 3D environments.
Simple one-touch controls for an intuitive shift shape game.
Utilize shape shift 3D to solve intricate puzzles and advance.
Overcome your shape-shifting skills.
Easy to pick up but requires practice to become a shifting race expert.
Play Shape Changer Game, shift your shape, and ascend to mastery in shifting games. Dive into Shape Shifter for a thrilling racing experience, tailored for all ages and skill levels. Race with speed, relish cool graphics, and savor the stickman ride in shapeshift games.

Embark on the adventure of traffic Shape Transform Shifting Race now and feel the exhilaration of shape-shifting,3D racing, and the ultimate thrill of transforming into different vehicles!

How to install Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK for Android [menu]

Download Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK file from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Vehicles Shape Shifting Games APK file from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)

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