How does The Human Body Work? APK

448+ votes, 4.03/5

Stem games for kids to learn anatomy & biology. Explore organs, systems & bones... [readmore]

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Version 3.5
Size unknown
Category Education
Developer Learny Land
Downloads ↓ 239.3K
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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 3.5
Size unknown
Requirement 6.0
Type app
Category Education
Package name: com.learnyland.HumanBody
Slogan: Stem games for kids to learn anatomy & biology. Explore organs, systems & bones

Screenshots (18 images)

How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 1 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 2 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 3 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 4 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 5 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 6 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 7 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 8 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 9 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 10 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 11 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 12 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 13 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 14 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 15 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 16 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 17 How does The Human Body Work? screenshot 18

About How does The Human Body Work? APK

How does The Human Body Work? poster
How does The Human Body Work? APK version 3.5 poster

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Description [menu]

Explore the human body and discover how your organs and muscles work. Play and learn as you watch the heart pump blood, where the food we eat passes or why a mosquito bite hurts us.
With How does the Human Body Work? you can play and learn freely, with no pressure or stress. Play, observe, ask questions and find the answers. Have fun controlling your character, feeding him and cutting his nails.

Enter our machine and watch how the blood platelets plug the wounds, how the muscles contract to kick a balloon or how a baby grows inside its mother.

Learn about anatomy and concentrate on healthy habits, watch how the lungs get sick if we breathe a lot of smoke, how running and exercise is good for your health and how the human body is healthier and stronger if you eat a balanced diet. We only have one body, let's take care of it!

This Human Body app for kids is full of science and stem education. Play and learn about biology and anatomy. Discover the human boy part names, bones, muscles and facts.

With 9 incredible interactive scenes learning anatomy has never been easier:

Circulatory system
Zoom into the heart and see how it pumps blood. Discover white blood cells, platelets and red blood cells, and see how they work to make your body healthy.

Respiratory System
Watch your character inhale as see how the air goes to the lungs, bronchi and alveoli. Play by controlling your character and seeing how the rhythm of his breathing changes.

Urogenital system
Kids learn what the kidneys and bladder do. Interact with their character and help clean the blood and make him pee.

Digestive system
What path does the food follow from its entry into the human body until the waste comes out? Feed the character and help him absorb the nutrients and dispose of the waste.

Nervous System
Observe how the nerves of the whole body are activated and how the senses work: sight, smell, hearing... and also learn about the brain and its various parts.

Skeletal System
In this system, you'll learn the names of the bones and how the skeleton is made up of many bones, how they give us mobility and allow us to walk, jump, run... and how your bones are responsible for generating the blood of our body.

Muscular System
Learn how your body contracts and relaxes the muscles to help us move, protect us and learn the names of the most important muscles. You can turn your character around and see that we have other muscles on the other side!

The Skin
Discover how the skin protects us and how it responds to cold and heat. Watch how the hairs grow, clean the sweat of your character and play by cutting its nails and painting them.

Take care of the pregnant woman, take her blood pressure, do an ultrasound and observe how a baby is forming inside her.

This science and stem app is suitable for kids of all ages, starting at 4 years old, that are interested in anatomy and biology.


At Learny Land, we love to play, and we believe that games must form part of the educational and growth stage of all children; because to play is to discover, explore, learn and have fun. Our educational games help children learn about the world around them and are designed with love.

Read more about us at

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We take Privacy very seriously. We do not collect or share personal information about your children or allow any type of third party ads. To learn more, please read our privacy policy at

Contact us

We'd love to know your opinion and your suggestions. Please, write to [email protected].

How to install How does The Human Body Work? APK for Android [menu]

Download How does The Human Body Work? APK file from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install How does The Human Body Work? APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download How does The Human Body Work? APK file from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)

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