Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK

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Version 1.0
Size 31.75 MB
Category Music & Audio
Developer Suporter Indonesia
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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 1.0
Size 31.75 MB (33288919)
Requirement 2.3.3 and up
Type app
Category Music & Audio
Package name:

APK Permissions

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE
‣ android.permission.WAKE_LOCK
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_WIFI_STATE
‣ android.permission.WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE
‣ android.permission.WRITE_SETTINGS

APK used Features

‣ android.hardware.wifi

Screenshots (7 images)

Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 1 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 2 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 3 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 4 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 5 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 6 Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) screenshot 7

About Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK

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Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK version 1.0 poster

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Version 1.0 updated.

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Kumpulan Lagu Persib Bandung Lengkap (Offline)

Persib (Persatuan Sepak Bola Indonesia Bandung) adalah sebuah tim sepak bola Indonesia terbesar yang berdiri pada 14 Maret 1933, klub ini berbasis di Bandung, Jawa Barat. Persib saat ini bermain di Liga Super Indonesia. Julukan mereka adalah Maung Bandung dan Pangeran Biru. Sponsor utama dan terbesar masih di pegang Indofood dan apparel jersey yang terbaru adalah Sportama.

Persib bandung adalah salah satu klub besar di Liga Indonesia dan mempunyai basis suporter indonesia yang sangat banyak dan juga fanatik diantaranya Bobotoh, Viking, Bomber dll

Aplikasi ini berisi lagu lagu persib atau yel yel persib maung bandung yang dapat di dengarkan fans setia persib bandung dan aplikasi ini mempunyai fitur yang dapat dijadikan sebagai nada dering, alarm, notifikasi,

Berikut Daftar Lagu PERSIB dari para musisi :
Altibi & Nasrulaziez - Untukmu Persib
Anak Mamih - Persib Menang
Andy Rif - Viva PersibApel - Persib Harus Juara
Arabian Peanuts - Kumaha Aing
Bedax Sari Pohacy - Penonton Persib
Bionic Kangaroo - Fight Song for The Blue’s
Bimbo - Jayalah Persibku
Bocah Riot - Persib
Borobotz - Teriak Gosip eh Persib
Boys Are Toys - Bersorak
Budi Abuy Time Bomb Blues - Persib Hebat
Caresent - Haru Biru
Cherry Bombshell - Biru Hatiku
Connie Dio - Persib Nu Aing
Dislaw - No.1
DJ Band - Persib
Doel Sumbang - Persib
Ebiet BeatA - Persib Aing, Aing Pisan
Es Gondrong - Kumaha Aing
Etu Primandhika - Persib Aing
Farid Harja - Kami Cinta Persib
Fifty Jail - Persib
Forgotten - Setan Holligan
F.O.E - Di Atas Satu Biru (Persibku)
Harapan Jaya - Persib
Harapan Jaya - Punggawa Keukeuh
Jeruji - Wasit Goblog
Kampunkan - Betul Ngga Sih?
Kang Ibing - Hariring Persib (feat. Ansembel Gamelan Kyai Fatahillah)
Kang Ibing - Jung Maju Maung Bandung
Kawalat - Holligan Persib
Kloppas - Persib
Koil - Untuk Kemenangan Kami
Koin - Persib Tak Pernah Mati (feat. Oni SOS)
Kremlin - Arti Persib
Kuburan - We Are Stay Behind You
Kungpow Chickens - Ngimpi Jadi Juara
Kungpow Chickens - Tribute To Bandung
Middle Finger - Bobotoh Persib
Mobil Derek - Persib Nu Aing
Mocca - Mars Persib
Momonon - Lupakan Cinta Demi Persib
Mukemen feat 213 - Gol Persib
Mukemen feat 213 - Persib Pantang Mundur
Noin Bullet - Ga Usah Rusuh
Ohank - Bobotoh Sejati
Ohank - Persib euy Persib
Ontohood - Bobotoh Gerot
Pas Band - Aing Pendukung Persib
Pascodex - Persib Juara
PHB - Maung Lautan Api
Pluto - Persib Nama Kami
Prepal Band - Semangat Pangeran Biru
Purpose - Persib Koe Yang Biroe
Raikanji - Persib Aing
Red P.O.M - Persib
Q-Rend - We Love You Persib
Rentenir - Viva La Persib
Rock n’ Roll Mafia - Terinjeksi Biru
Rockster Midlans - Persib Ulah Pundung
Rude Boyz Mafia - Pangeran Tanah Pasundan
Sabisana - Bandung Boga Persib
Saratus Persen - Persib Anu Aku
Savor of Filth - Serang Lawan Taklukan
Scum - Persib Bandung
Sendal Jepit - Jangan Rusak Kotaku
Seurieus - Sihung Maung Bandung
Simple People - Persib Atuh Sok Akh
Sophie is Bandits - Persib
Stater X - Persib Bandung
Tahtra & All People D21 - Persib
Tataloe - Pangeran Bulao
TF’s - Bangkit Persibku
The EDS - Persib Nama Kami
The Duke - Sampai Tua Persib Selalu Di Hati
The Jokes - Kau Tak Pernah Sendiri
The Markus - Kidung Persib
The Milo - Langit Seharusnya Persib
Turtles Jr - Dari Bandung, Untuk Persib
Uwie - Persib
Virus - Persib Atoe Mati
We are Say`s Hello - Go Persib Go Persib Go

Salam Maung Bandung
Haturnuhun Complete set of songs Persib Bandung (Offline)

Persib (Football Association of Indonesia Bandung) is a football team that stands the greatest Indonesia on March 14, 1933, this club is based in Bandung, West Java. Persib currently playing in the Indonesian Super League. Their nickname is Maung Bandung and Prince Blue. The main sponsor and is still in the grasp of Indofood and apparel jersey newest is Sportama.

Persib Bandung is one of the big clubs in the Liga Indonesia and Indonesian supporters have a basis very much and also fanatics among Bobotoh, Viking, Bomber etc.

This application contains songs or chant slogans persib persib Maung Bandung that can be listened to loyal fans persib duo and this application has a feature that can be used as a ringtone, alarm, notification,

The following list of songs PERSIB of musicians:
Altibi & Nasrulaziez - Untukmu Persib
Mamih child - Persib Win
Andy Rif - Viva PersibApel - Persib Must Champion
Arabian Peanuts - Kumaha Aing
Sari Bedax Pohacy - Spectator Persib
Bionic Kangaroo - Fight Song for the Blue's
Bimbo - Jayalah Persibku
Kid Riot - Persib
Borobotz - Gossip Shouts eh Persib
Boys Are Toys - Cheer
Budi Abuy Time Bomb Blues - Persib Deal
Caresent - Haru Biru
Cherry Bombshell - Blue heart
Connie Dio - Nu Aing Persib
Dislaw - 1
DJ Band - Persib
Doel Sumbang - Persib
Ebiet Beata - Persib Aing, Aing Pisan
Ice Gondrong - Kumaha Aing
Etu Primandhika - Persib Aing
Farid Harja - We Love Persib
Fifty Jail - Persib
Forgotten - Satan Holligan
F.O.E - Above The Blue (Persibku)
Harapan Jaya - Persib
Harapan Jaya - Retainer keukeuh
Bars - Referee, idiots
Kampunkan - Betul Ngga Sih?
Kang Ibing - Hariring Persib (feat. Ansembel Gamelan Kyai Fatahillah)
Kang Ibing - Jung Maju Maung Bandung
Kawalat - Holligan Persib
Kloppas - Persib
Coils - To Win Us
Coins - Persib Never Die (feat. Oni SOS)
Kremlin - Meaning Persib
Grave - We Are Stay Behind You
Kungpow Chickens - Ngimpi So Champion
Kungpow Chickens - Tribute To Bandung
Middle Finger - Bobotoh Persib
Towing - Nu Aing Persib
Mocca - Mars Persib
Momonon - Forget Love Demi Persib
Mukemen feat 213 - Gol Persib
Mukemen feat 213 - Persib No Retreat
Noin Bullet - Ga Usah Rusuh
Ohank - True Bobotoh
Ohank - Persib Persib euy
Ontohood - Bobotoh Gerot
Pas Band - Persib Aing Supporter
Pascodex - Persib Juara
PHB - Maung Lake of Fire
Pluto - Persib Name Us
Prepal Band - Spirit Prince Blue
Purpose - Persib Koe Yang Biroe
Raikanji - Persib Aing
Red P.O.M - Persib
Q-Rend - We Love You Persib
Moneylenders - Viva La Persib
Rock n 'Roll Mafia - Injected Blue
Rockster Midlans - Persib antics Pundung
Rude Boyz Mafia - Prince Land Pasundan
Sabisana - Persib Bandung Boga
Saratus Percent - Persib Anu I
Savor of Filth - Conquer Attack Opponent
Scum - Persib Bandung
Pinch sandals - Do Broken Kotaku
Seurieus - Sihung Maung Bandung
Simple People - Persib atuh Sok Akh
Sophie is Bandits - Persib
Stater X - Persib Bandung
Tahtra & All People D21 - Persib
Tataloe - Prince Bulao
TF's - Risen Persibku
The EDS - Persib Name Us
The Duke - Up Old Persib Always On Heart
The Jokes - You're Never Alone
The Mark - Song Persib
The Milo - Sky should have Persib
Turtles Jr - From Bandung, For Persib
Uwie - Persib
Virus - Persib Atoe Dead
We are Say`s Hello - Go Persib Persib Go Go

Greetings Maung Bandung
Thank you

How to install Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK for Android [menu]

Download Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK file ( from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap the APK file you downloaded (
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK file( from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/(, then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Simple install APK on PC by drag and drop file on Emulator screen

Lagu Persib Bandung (Offline) APK Pros & Cons [menu]

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 32 bit device (most Emulator using 32bit arch CPU)
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

Everything is good.

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