Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK

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Experience the Jetpack Ride in Mars Survival Games Offline!... [readmore]

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This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version 2.0
Size 59.69 MB
Category Action
Developer Ciphers Realm
Downloads ↓ 261
⇣ Download APK (59.69 MB)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type Free
Version 2.0
Size 59.69 MB (62591232)
Requirement 6.0
Type app
Category Action
Package name:
Slogan: Experience the Jetpack Ride in Mars Survival Games Offline!

APK Permissions

‣ android.permission.INTERNET
‣ android.permission.ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE

APK used Features

‣ android.hardware.vulkan.version
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch
‣ android.hardware.touchscreen.multitouch.distinct

Screenshots (32 images)

Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 1 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 2 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 3 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 4 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 5 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 6 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 7 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 8 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 9 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 10 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 11 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 12 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 13 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 14 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 15 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 16 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 17 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 18 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 19 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 20 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 21 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 22 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 23 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 24 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 25 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 26 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 27 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 28 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 29 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 30 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 31 Mars Games: Mars Survival Game screenshot 32

About Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK

Mars Games: Mars Survival Game poster
Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK version 2.0 poster

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Mars is one of the most intriguing planets in our solar system. For centuries, scientists have been fascinated by the red planet, and now, with technology advancing, it is possible to experience Mars like never before with Mars games. Mars games are simulations that allow players to explore the planet, and experience the space tour challenges and adventures of survival on Mars. There are various types of Mars games map available, including Mars survival simulator & Mars rover simulator, planet simulator & space games simulator, space simulator and Terraforming games.

One of the popular types of infinite jetpack ride & Mars games is the Mars survival simulator. In this Mars survival games offline, players find themselves stranded on Mars with limited resources and must use their skills and intelligence to survive. The Zero gravity game includes a Mars map, which players use to navigate and locate resources like water, food, and shelter. Players must also avoid dangers like radiation and dust storms, and build tools and equipment to help them survive in Mars survival games offline.

Another popular Mars game is the Mars rover simulator, where players control a Mars rover and explore the planet. Players use the mars map, rover to collect samples, take photos, and learn more about the planet. This jetpack space jump game offers an interactive experience of what it's like to be a space explorer, and players get to enjoy a space tour without leaving their homes.

For those who love futuristic games offline, Mars games offer an opportunity to experience space travel and explore Mars. Players can enjoy endless games, such as the infinite jetpack ride and Mars jump, which allows to fly into Mars and experience zero-gravity games. The altas adventure game is a space rocket game that takes players on a thrilling ride to Mars, where they experience the excitement of space flight.

Mars games offline also offer a chance to experience space station games, where players manage a space station on Mars. Players must build and maintain the space station, manage resources, and ensure the survival of the colony in this Space games simulator. Terraforming games allow players to create an atmosphere suitable for human life and establish a Mars colony.

The race to Mars is one of the most exciting aspects of Mars games. Players compete to be the first to reach Mars, and this mars tour game includes challenges such as managing fuel, navigation, and avoiding obstacles. Endless Mars jumps offer a fun experience of jumping around the planet and exploring its various features.

Moon vs Mars is another Space rocket game. In this Space rocket game players learn about the challenges of mars survival.

The Mars flight game is another popular space simulator game that allows players to fly into Mars and experience the thrill of space travel. Players use a jetpack to navigate through the planet's atmosphere, and the space game simulator includes various obstacles and challenges like jetpack space jump to make the experience more exciting.

Mars games offer educational benefits. With the increasing interest in space exploration, Mars games provide a platform to learn about the planet and the challenges of survival on the red planet. Players learn about the scientific concepts involved in space travel, such as the physics of gravity and propulsion, and the biology of surviving in extreme environments.

In conclusion, Mars games provide a unique opportunity to experience the red planet and the adventures of space exploration. With various types of games available, including Mars survival simulator, Mars rover simulator, and Terraforming games, players can enjoy different aspects of Mars exploration. The games offer endless hours of fun, and players can enjoy the excitement of space travel without leaving their homes. Whether you are a fan of endless games, futuristic games offline, or space flight, Mars games offer something for everyone.

How to install Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK for Android [menu]

Download Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK file ( from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Download Split APKs Installer (SAI)
  • Download and unzip file you already downloaded (
  • Open Split APKs Installer and follow steps on this app.
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK file( from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/(, then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)
  • Download and unzip file
  • Using ADB or Split APKs Installer same as install for Android.

Mars Games: Mars Survival Game APK Pros & Cons [menu]

  • This app is safe, it's not require high risk permissions
  • Compatible with 32 bit device (most Emulator using 32bit arch CPU)
  • Compatible with 64-bit device (some android device and current Bluestacks)

Everything is good.

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