Visual Anatomy APK

2232+ votes, 4.50/5

A multimedia anatomy reference with muscle actions and free Gray image add-on... [readmore]

⇣ Download APK (Varies with device)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

Version Varies with device
Size Varies with device
Category Medical
Developer Education Mobile
Downloads ↓ 39.2K
⇣ Download on Google play (Varies with device)

This is an original APK file direct fetch from google play. It is safe to download and free of any virus.

File Infos

License type $2.49
Version Varies with device
Size Varies with device
Requirement Varies with device
Type app
Category Medical
Package name: com.hssn.anatomy
Slogan: A multimedia anatomy reference with muscle actions and free Gray image add-on

Screenshots (24 images)

Visual Anatomy screenshot 1 Visual Anatomy screenshot 2 Visual Anatomy screenshot 3 Visual Anatomy screenshot 4 Visual Anatomy screenshot 5 Visual Anatomy screenshot 6 Visual Anatomy screenshot 7 Visual Anatomy screenshot 8 Visual Anatomy screenshot 9 Visual Anatomy screenshot 10 Visual Anatomy screenshot 11 Visual Anatomy screenshot 12 Visual Anatomy screenshot 13 Visual Anatomy screenshot 14 Visual Anatomy screenshot 15 Visual Anatomy screenshot 16 Visual Anatomy screenshot 17 Visual Anatomy screenshot 18 Visual Anatomy screenshot 19 Visual Anatomy screenshot 20 Visual Anatomy screenshot 21 Visual Anatomy screenshot 22 Visual Anatomy screenshot 23 Visual Anatomy screenshot 24

About Visual Anatomy APK

Visual Anatomy poster
Visual Anatomy APK version Varies with device poster

Latest update [menu]

Major update. <1> Add muscle group action movies. <2> Fixed Gray's image download for Android 10 or above.

Description [menu]

★★Muscle in action! Now including muscle group action movies and 3D models and full description (ORIGIN, INSERTION, NERVE, ACTIONS). Audio pronunciation for all anatomy terms.
★★Download and install all 1247 Gray's anatomy images to your devices and a search function for the figure title.
★★Multi Language support: English, French, Spanish and German

Visual Anatomy is an interactive reference, and multimedia education tool. The full version contains 500+ high-resolution images, 100+ HD movies/animation and 850+ feature points which can be interactively selected. Each feature has its own label and short description. The app also has search function which can be used as searching the labels of all feature points. In additional, 6 quizzes with 150 multi-choice questions also are included. It also can be used as a anatomy guide.

This app’s primary use is as a learning tool but can also be used for any professional who needs the occasional reminder. Additionally, this app is ideal for physicians, educators or professionals, allowing them to visually show detailed areas to their patients or students - helping to educate or explain conditions, ailments and injuries.

★ No internet connection is required except for downloading Gray's anatomy images.
★ Tap and Zoom - Pinch zoom into and identify any region, bone or other feature by tapping on the screen.
★ Muscle action animations to explain muscle functions.
★ Quick Navigation - jump to a different system or organ by selecting the thumbnail.
★ Multi-choice quiz.
★ Great for learning anatomy and physiology
★ High-resolution images.
★ Free periodic updates.
★ Can be used as anatomy dictionary by searching anatomy term.

1. 3D organ overview.
2. One of main sections - Muscles. It have more than 140 muscles including full description (ORIGIN, INSERTION, NERVE, ACTIONS) and cover all superficial muscles and most of deep muscles. 3D muscle overview.
3. One of main sections - Bones. It has all bones in the skeleton system including small bones in the neck region and has ligaments in knee and shoulder joints. 3D skeleton overview and 3D skull overview.
4. Respiratory System, Lung,
5. Digestive System, Liver,
6. Urinary System,
7. Nervous System, Brain, Central Nervous System,
8. Reproductive System (Male and female),
9. Senses (Finger, Hand, Ear ,Mouth, Nasal Cavity, Nose, Tongue,Human Denture)
10. Circulatory system.
11. Endocrine System
12. Surface Anatomy

The user can zoom in to any area by using pinch zoom. The feature point (cross) can be selected by tapping on it. Detail button allows you to switch on/off the short description. For muscle section, detail button only show the description. Pressing the rotation button to allow you to change the view.
Quiz mode button allows you to switch on/off the label and short description.

When you input more than one characters, the search function automatically gives a list of potential key words. You can just select one of them from the list. The result will be the feature point on the anatomy image, label and short description.

I'm open to suggestions so don't hesitate to send me an e-mail if you find something is missing.

How to install Visual Anatomy APK for Android [menu]

Download Visual Anatomy APK file from, then follow these steps:

Update Phone Settings

  • Go to your phone Settings page
  • Tap Security or Applications (varies with device)
  • Check the Unknown Sources box
  • Confirm with OK

Go to Downloads

  • Open Downloads on your device by going to My Files or Files
  • Tap Install when prompted, the APK file you downloaded will be installed on your device.

How to install Visual Anatomy APK on Windows 7/8/10 or MAC PC? [menu]

Download Visual Anatomy APK file from to your PC (ex: /Users/xxx/Downloads/), then follow these steps:

Using Emulator:

  • Download And Install one Emulator Softwares (Ex: Bluestacks, GenyMotion, NoxPlayer)

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